Camp Volunteer FormThank you so much for volunteering/signing up to help! We appreciate your time and commitment and hope that your time with us will be rewarding! Click Here to Sign Up Camp Volunteer Form Name * First Name Last Name Email * Phone * (###) ### #### T-Shirt Size * S M L XL XXL Volunteer Availability * Week 1: July 14-18 Week 2: July 21-25 Kid's Name Parent Volunteers serving Full Time receive 50% off their Children's Camp Registration I wish to volunteer in the following classes Please select 3 only Arts & Crafts Asian countries, Tradition & Etiquettes High School Coaching Mandarin Classes Martial Arts Music for kids Music Composition & Improvisation Traditional Dance Responsibilities * Please check at least 3 Before Care (8-9 am) Classroom Assistant (9-11 am & 1-3 pm) Playtime/Playground Assistance (11 am-1 pm) Media monitor (11 am-1 pm) & Fridays (1-3 pm) Hall Monitor & Medic (All day) Lunch Prep & Clean up (10 am-1 pm) Registration Sign In & Set Up (8-9 am) Registration Sign Out and Re-organize (3-4 pm) After Care (3-5 pm) Photographer/Videographer (All day) Medical Restrictions Please explain any medical restrictions here: Please list any allergies here: (Ex. Allergy 1, Allergy 2, Allergy 3, etc.) Please list any dietary restrictions here: (Ex. Dietary Restriction 1, Dietary Restriction 2, etc.) Medical Emergency Terms/Conditions Electronic Consent to Medical Emergency Terms/Conditions * In case of medical emergency, I understand that every reasonable attempt will be made to contact me or the emergency contact named above. However, in the event that I or my named contacts cannot be reached, I give my permission to the adults in charge of the programs to secure and receive emergency medical or first aid treatment for my child, including transport via ambulance to a hospital if necessary. I consent to the sharing and release of any medical information listed above with the appropriate staff members of the program and/or medical personnel that may be necessary to ensure the safety and wellbeing of my child. I agree to pay for any charges for emergency medical treatment that are not covered by my personal health insurance. I AGREE to the Terms Above Release for CCA at Church of the Servant Release and Waiver * I, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge that certain risks of injury are inherent to any camp’s program, including but not limited to participation in recreational activities, a child’s failure to follow instructions of supervisors, communicable illness, and independent acts of third parties not under the control of supervisors. I acknowledge that all risks cannot be prevented, and assume those beyond the control of the staff. These types of injuries may be minor or serious and may result from one’s actions, or the actions or inactions of others or a combination of both. I will take responsibility to see that I am prepared for all activities and am in good health each day of the session. I hereby assume all risks associated with participation in Charis Camp (CC) and agree to hold harmless Charis Chinese Academy, CC, the Church of the Servant (the Church), its directors, officers, employees, volunteers, et al, from and against any and all claims, damages, demands, action or right of action, losses or liability of any kind or nature which may arise in connection with injuries suffered to me while enrolled/participating in their program. I have read and understand the above informed consent agreement in its entirety and hereby give my consent to participate knowing all of the foregoing. I AGREE to the Terms Above Photo/Video Release Consent to Photo/Video Release * I understand that CCA may produce promotional material relating to its activities. As a participant at CCA, I may be included in videotapes or photographs taken during the camp. I grant to CCA the right to photograph and/or videotape me and to utilize such videotapes and photographs, my name, face likeness, voice and appearance as part of the camp. I AGREE to the Terms Above CCA Rules/Expectations Please read the following Rules/Expectations carefully. Volunteers/Counselors/Staff are all expected to keep these rules and expectations in mind throughout camp and reflect a good example for the students. Please keep these guidelines in mind as you use your best judgement to handle various situations that may arise throughout camp. If there are any questions please do not hesitate to find/work together with other adults at camp to ensure students have the best possible experience throughout the week! CCA Rules/Expectations We want you to enjoy this camp and have a wonderful experience with us. Parents, please review the following guidelines with your child. 1. Be respectful and courteous. 2. Cooperate and participate in all activities. 3. Be open minded to the Asian culture presented. 4. Give the teachers and teaching assistants your full attention. 5. Refrain from any disruptive behaviors, including talking at inappropriate times. 6. Electronic devices and cell phone use are not allowed during class time. 7. Please keep your hands to yourselves during class time. 8. Pick up after yourself and keep the classroom space clean. 9. No form of bullying or harassment will be tolerated. Student will be sent home if such behavior occurs. Consent to Rules and Expectations * I understand that I must reflect a good example for students regarding the rules above and understand that students must abide by the rules and behaviors expected to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment of CCA. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the child’s removal from CCA. I will act responsibly upon any injuries the child sustains, any inappropriate behavior, or in any incidents of sexual misconduct, harassment or assault. I AGREE to the Terms Above Consent to Background Check * Please note that we require a background check for all consenting adults (18+). Information on how to submit necessary information will be sent following the completion of this form. Thank you! Yes No Thank you for filling out your registration with us!We look forward to see you at Charis Character CampPlease feel free to contact us with any questions.