Charis Chinese School

from $280.00

$280 | 中文课 (非新生) Chinese Class (Recurring Student)
$330 | 中文课 (新生) Chinese Class (New Student)
含注册费与书本费 Additional $50 Includes Registration + Supplies

(Optional Interest Class)

$120 | 传统舞蹈 Traditional Dance (4-12 yr)
$ 80 | 艺术与手工 Arts & Crafts (4-7 yr)
$100 | 音乐课 Music Class (4-7 yr)
$ 80 | 手帐剪贴 Scrapbooking (7 & up)
$ 80 | 国际象棋 Chess (7 & up)
$360 | 声乐 Voice with Janice Tai
$360 | 二胡 Er Hu with Cici Tian

$120 | 拼音 PinYin with (7 & up)

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